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William Hogg

The Hogg Mausoleum

The Hogg Mausoleum

This impressive mausoleum, the only one in the cemetery, is constructed of polished pink and grey granite. In May 1894, Eliza Susannah Hogg, the wife of wealthy silk merchant William Hogg, died unexpectedly at their home ‘Oakleigh’ on the Pembury Road (now Oakley School). William was devastated at his loss and immediately made plans for the construction of the mausoleum, which it was said would be visible from his home. He applied to purchase 10 grave spaces in the most expensive part of the cemetery. The Home Office had to give their permission, which they did with some reluctance, saying that they hoped it would not become general for Tunbridge Wells Council to allow mausolea in the cemetery. Construction started and 5 more grave plots were deemed necessary and purchased.

Sadly, William did not live to see the mausoleum built, as he died less than a year after Eliza, who had been temporarily laid to rest in the flower lined cemetery mortuary. The inscription above the door reads :

‘Erected to the memory of Eliza Susannah Hogg, for forty four years the dearly loved wife of William Hogg of Oakleigh Pembury. Born XXVII Aug MDCCCXXXII, Died XXVIII May MDCCCXCIV’

William and Eliza’s remains are laid to rest in matching marble tombs with carved swords on the top.

William and Eliza had 4 children, the eldest William Henry Jenner Hogg died in 1900 and is interred within the walls, along with his wife Mary who died in 1944. They had no children. The second son of William Hogg, Lindsay, moved to Rotherfield and had a family plot marked out in Rotherfield churchyard. One of the 2 daughters is buried in a plot behind the mausoleum with her husband.

Lindsay was created a baronet in 1905 and died in 1923. His descendents wanted nothing to do with the mausoleum and in 1952 proposed it should be demolished and the bodies re-interred elsewhere. Happily this was not carried out.

Although the mausoleum is in relatively good condition, there has been some damage to the stained glass window. Since the last surviving baronet has relinquished any interest in the structure, the Friends of Tunbridge Wells cemetery aim to make this their restoration project.

© 2022 by Friends of Tunbridge Wells Cemetery at Hawkenbury, England.  HMRC Charities Ref number EW36118

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